4/28 News
“Buzz”-worthy Moments: Research Biographies!!
WOW!! The kids worked in groups to brainstorm people they may want to research. I looked at their lists and chose one of their people for them. They researched, wrote, and presented to our 3rd grade friends next door…it was so fun to hear them share about President Andrew Johnson, Taylor Swift, Albert Einstein, LeBron James, Imagine Dragons, Elon Musk, Technoblade (who I did not know existed!), and even Spiderman (which gave us an opportunity to discuss characters vs. real people)!
My Favorite Moment: How EXCITED the Albert Einstein group got when they were told that HE was their person!!
Our April/May Schedule:
Lunch with 3rd Grade (Mondays) Sign Up:
Guided Reading Groups: Our last month of Reading Groups and available dates are sporadic.
4/27 Zoo Twilight Experience (Wear your Busy Bee Tees!)
In the Dippre Family, We call it a “Late Over” (with the animals!!)
4/28 The day after the Zoo Field Trip!
This day will be light academically, with no new concepts being taught! Those going on the field trip will be out LATE the night before so I am taking that into consideration!!
Week of 5/1 MAP Testing (Wed/Thu)
Friday, 5/5 Early Dismissal (11:00-11:30)
Week of 5/8 MAP Testing (Tue/Wed I think!)
Lots more stuff will be added here!!
Friday 5/26 LAST Day of 3rd Grade 1/2 Day (11:00-11:30)
In other NEWS…
Busy Bee Tees: Wear them on FRIDAYS!!!
The company that made our Busy Bee Tees for us was started by a few STCS High School Students and a dad. Feel free to browse their STCS Spirit Gear! I truly appreciate how they took care of us and our Busy Bee Tees! https://sstshirt.com/
Book Reviews
The kids decided they would like to write book reviews! I have the sheets available but they can certainly write the review on notebook paper!!
Book Boxes
If anyone wants to create a Book in a Box, GO FOR IT!
Salt Dough Recipe
Here is the recipe to make salt dough at home if you’d like 😊 Maybe use it for Book Box items?
A Glimpse into our Class
Daily Schedule
This is subject to change, of course!
I am encouraging the kids to work on the homework emailed at the beginning of each week.
Any time they spend reading, writing, doing math, and practicing skills will encourage academic success!!
Reminder: I check homework for EFFORT, not COMPLETION. You decide how much gets done at home!
BENEFITS of Homework:
- Extra practice for students who may need it
- Communication with parents about what we are doing in class
- Creates good study habits
- Gives students the opportunity to ‘accomplished’ when they are finished and/or they understand
- Creates opportunities for parents and/or older siblings to spend time with their 3rd grader
***Homework is NOT meant to be a frustration!
My purpose with homework is for the kids to get the practice they need so they understand the concepts AND to show you what they know! If the math packet is easy for them, for example, there is no need for them to complete it at home, although they probably will have finished it at school! THE POINT: I know you are all busy! I am typically flexible with due dates so if you have sports or ??? one night, feel free to wait until the next night to do it. When they return the homework to me, I acknowledge the time and effort they put into it. If this inspires your child to get the practice at home, wonderful! If not, no added stress!!
Social-Emotional Learning: Choose your PERSPECTIVE
Our goals have gone from FAIL! to FINDING SOLUTIONS!! to FINISH!!! to Do My BEST!! to “Bee” an example!! to “Bee” Optimistic…LOOK FOR THE GOOD! to “Choose your PERSPECTIVE! You get to decide your opinion and attitude!
Read Aloud: Flora & Ulysses By Kate DiCamillo
The kids INSISTED that we read this book by the same author as Because of Winn Dixie because they loved it so much!! Again, we will be working on comprehension, vocabulary, word structure, and so much more!!
Language Arts
We are in week 2 of Unit 6 with the Essential Question: Why are goals important? Ask your student about setting goals and how that helps people get what they want!
We enjoy our Guided Reading Groups each week. THANK YOU to our parents who led the groups Tue/Wed/Thu 11:40-12:15. We LOVE having you in class!! If you would like to join us, here is the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4DAFAE2CA3F9C70-guided
Writing: Research Biography: Ask your 3rd grader which person their group chose and what they learned!! We focused on how these people set goals and made an impact on our world!
Spelling: Consonant +LE (or NOT!) apple/label
Grammar Focus:
Multiple Meaning Words
Adjectives that Compare (big, bigger,biggest; many, more, most)
Possessive Pronouns
Reflexive Pronouns
Pronoun-Verb Contractions (it’s, you’re, I’m)
Pronoun/Present Tense Verb agreement
Pronouns: Singular/Plural/Personal
Pronoun Agreement
Irregular Verbs, including Have/Do
Correct Verb Forms
Complex Sentences
Dependent and Independent Clauses (New Concept…A bit confusing!)
Using Subordinating Conjunctions (New Concept…A LOT Confusing!)
Greek and Latin Roots: TOTALLY FUN for some!!
Main Verb/Helping Verb
Commas and Quotations Marks in Dialogue
Contractions with not
Using Apostrophes
Linking Verbs
Using Commas
Content Words
Context Clues
Sequencing Events
Past/Present/Future Tense Verbs
Capitalizing Book Titles
Figurative Language: Idioms, Similes, personification, metaphors, hyperboles
Name Titles
Verb Tenses and Subject/Verb Agreement
Adding -y to change the meaning: rock to rocky
Quotation Marks
Colons in the time
Open Syllables
Possessive Nouns
Closed Syllables
Collective Nouns: class, team, family
Irregular Plural Nouns: tooth/teeth, mouse/mice, deer, moose, woman/women, life/lives
Prefixes un/re/dis
Plural Nouns, adding -s or -es AND changing the y to i
Common Nouns/Proper Nouns
Concrete Nouns/Abstract Nouns
Word Meanings, including multiple meanings
Math Topic 13: Fraction Equivalence and Comparison (sharing food!)
This test will be on Monday after some review time! There are some SERIOUS light bulbs going off about fractions!! It’s so exciting!!@
This is great math fact fluency practice at home! Let me know if your child earns a certificate!!
Khan Academy
Feel free to do this at home! Here is the link for the ELA practice:
Science: Invisible Forces: How can you go down a slide faster?
The kids even experimented with building a “slide” and creating different items to slide down…how do we manipulate the speed of this object?
Social Studies: Arizona’s Early People
Other San Tan News…
Yearbooks for Sale!
From our Family Engagement Committee (FEC)
Please join our school’s Family Engagement Committee’s (FEC) Facebook page. Here you will find school wide events that are coming up and ways to volunteer at school.
Thank you again,
Jenn Jacobs and Heather Warren
The Family Engagement Committee (FEC)
San Tan Charter School
From the Principal (Emailed Tuesday)
Letter from the Principal
Dear San Tan Families,
TOMORROW Wednesday (April 26h) we will be conducting a Lockdown Drill to practice our safety scenarios. I will be notifying parents when the lockdown starts and when the lockdown has ended. At San Tan, we firmly believe in safety but also, we believe in a parent’s right to have a say in what their children are exposed to. I wanted to let you know ahead of time so that you can have a conversation with your student or keep your student home if need be. I will be emailing home following the drill to let you know when it is over. I have also attached a “social story” to help guide at home conversations.
We also have a half day of school tomorrow and will begin dismissing at 11:00- 11:30. If you need care for your student, please sign up with the following link,
– Mrs. Sarah Laramie
Month at a Glance
- Lockdown Drill- 4/26
- Half Day of School- 4/26
- Teacher Appreciation Week 5/1-5/5
- MAP Testing 5/1-5/12
- Recker Academic Awards 5/2
- Gifted Information Night 5/4
- Spring Athletic Awards 5/17
- Kindergarten Graduation 5/24
- 8th Grade and 12th Grade Graduation 5/25
- Last Day of School 5/26
- School Closed 5/29
- Parent Teacher Conferences 6/1-6/2
Important Announcements
Teacher Appreciation Week 5/1-5/5
Monday- Write a note to your teacher (This can include a thank you note, why I love my teacher, etc.)
Tuesday- Wear your teachers’ favorite color
Wednesday- Give your teacher a flower (real, paper or draw one)
Thursday- Give your teacher a high five
Friday- Draw a picture for your teacher
1st-3rd Grade:
4th-6th Grade:
Front Office:
Shoe Drive Update
The following classrooms are in the lead!
Sibley |
90 |
Vega |
35 |
Yocklin |
34 |
Rigsbee |
29 |
Harris |
23 |
Gustafson |
22 |
Dippre |
21 |
Witte |
20 |
Would you ever think that your old shoes could help offset field trips next year? Well they can and here’s how. Our team is participating in a fundraiser where there is nothing to buy or sell, all we need is your support and your old shoes. We are looking for community members to help support us by agreeing to collect 25 pairs of gently worn, used and new shoes in the next 4 weeks. Here’s how you do it:
Start in your family’s closets and gather pairs of shoes that you’ve out grown, are out of style, or out of season. If you have 25 pairs, great, if not please ask your neighbors and/or co-workers to do the same. These shoes will help support our program as well as individuals in developing nations like Ghana, Haiti and Cambodia. Connect with me to get them picked up or you can drop them off at these locations: in your child’s classroom or at the front of Recker. Can we count on you? Please reply YES, I’LL HELP. PS: if you can’t collect 25, then try for 15, 10, or 5. Remember, every pair that you collect helps.
Tax Credit
This year’s tax credit giving goal is $100,000.00.
Your gift — large or small — will make a difference.
The form link is now open at:
With your support, we can continue to provide the programs outlined below;
- Junior High and High School Culinary Arts: Restaurant quality cutlery, pots/pans, additional shelving, and supplies for the classroom
- Full-Day Kindergarten Scholarship
- Funding for the Library/Media Space
- Health Care Supplies
- Playground Equipment
Reading Initiative
I am so excited to tell you of an initiative that I am starting that will continue throughout the rest of this year. Dedicated small group reading is proven to not only increase reading scores but also increase student’s love of reading. I am really passionate about students gaining a love of reading so we have created a new initiative.
We would love to invite parent volunteers daily between 8:30-9:30, in half an hour segments, to read to small groups of students in the library. I have attached the sign up. In the sign up, you will see classrooms with teacher’s names in it so that you know which classes you are volunteering for.
Grandparents are also welcome if they are interested! I am really excited about this initiative and want to thank you all for your consideration.
Thank you for your time and your devotion to our community,
Helpful Links
Arizona Tax Credit Form Social Media Links Facebook- San Tan Charter School Family Connection Facebook-PreK-6 Recker Campus Facebook-7-12 Power Campus Facebook- Mrs. Laramie Principal Recker Campus Instagram- Mrs. Laramie Principal Recker Campus Instagram-STCS Recker Campus