1/27 News

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Busy Bee News

“Buzz”-worthy Moment: Our Upcoming Science Exhibition!!!

Without naming any names (Rigdon!) it was suggested that we have a science exhibition in class, so…..we are having a science exhibition in class! Every student thinks it’s a great idea and they have been researching and planning their experiments! I am a little unsure of how it will all come together but plan to attend our Learning Celebration on Friday, 2/3 from 1-3pm. There will also be a materials list sent home in case you are willing and able to donate. Some kids want to make it at home while others are doing it in class!

Our January Schedule…

Lunch with 3rd Grade (Mondays) Sign Up:


Guided Reading Groups (Tue/Wed/Thu) Sign Up:


Wednesday, 1/25 Cheer Clinic! This was SO AMAZING!! COme see the kids perform on Friday Night!

Friday 1/27 Wear your Busy Bee Tee!

Friday 1/27, 7pm Cheer Clinic/Camp Performance at STCS Boys Varsity Basketball Game Half-Time. Go Roadrunners!!!

Our February Schedule:

Friday 2/3 Learning Celebration 1-3pm

Please join us sometime between 1 and 3 p.m. for our FIRST EVER Science Exhibition!!!

Tuesday, 2/14 Valentine’s Day ( Info to come!)

Monday,  2/20 President’s Day (No School)


In other NEWS…

Busy Bee Tees: Wear them on FRIDAYS!!!

The company that made our Busy Bee Tees for us was started by a few STCS High School Students and a dad. Feel free to browse their STCS Spirit Gear! I truly appreciate how they took care of us and our Busy Bee Tees! https://sstshirt.com/


Book Reviews

The kids decided they would like to write book reviews! I have the sheets available but they can certainly write the review on notebook paper!!

Book Boxes

If anyone wants to create a Book in a Box, GO FOR IT!

Salt Dough Recipe

Here is the recipe to make salt dough at home if you’d like 😊 Maybe use it for Book Box items?


A Glimpse into our Class

Daily Schedule

This is subject to change, of course!



I am encouraging the kids to work on the homework emailed at the beginning of each week.

Any time they spend reading, writing, doing math, and practicing skills will encourage academic success!!

Reminder: I check homework for EFFORT, not COMPLETION. You decide how much gets done at home!

BENEFITS of Homework:

  • Extra practice for students who may need it
  • Communication with parents about what we are doing in class
  • Creates good study habits
  • Gives students the opportunity to ‘accomplished’ when they are finished and/or they understand
  • Creates opportunities for parents and/or older siblings to spend time with their 3rd grader

***Homework is NOT meant to be a frustration!

My purpose with homework is for the kids to get the practice they need so they understand the concepts AND to show you what they know! If the math packet is easy for them, for example, there is no need for them to complete it at home, although they probably will have finished it at school! THE POINT: I know you are all busy! I am typically flexible with due dates so if you have sports or ??? one night, feel free to wait until the next night to do it.  When they return the homework to me, I acknowledge the time and effort they put into it. If this inspires your child to get the practice at home, wonderful! If not, no added stress!!

Social-Emotional Learning: FIND SOLUTIONS!!

Last week our goal was to FAIL! This week, we are FINDING SOLUTIONS!!

Read Aloud:

Because of Winn Dixie  By Kate DiCamillo

We are going to enjoy this heartwarming story while digging deep into literary concepts such as COMPREHENSION, CAUSE and EFFECT, AUTHOR’S PURPOSE, CHARACTER ANALYSIS, FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE, and BOOK vs. MOVIE COMPARISON (If we decide to watch the movie!)



Language Arts

We are in week 2 of  Unit 4 with the Essential Question: How can we use what we know to help others? Last week, we read a part of a sequel to Clementine by Sara Pennypacker. Clementine discovered that when she thought she had no talent to perform for the talent show, her principal noticed her talents were best used in helping the kids who were performing! This week, we read about Clementine and her family entitled “The Family Meeting”. Does your family hold family meetings? Our discussion was great!!


We enjoy our Guided Reading Groups each week. THANK YOU to our parents who led the groups Tue/Wed/Thu 11:40-12:15. We LOVE having you in class!! If you would like to join us, here is the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4DAFAE2CA3F9C70-guided


REALISTIC FICTION: This was a challenge for some!! The genre allows for imaginative details BUT they need to be able to happen in real life! Therefore, superpowers and talking creatures, for example, were not allowed.

Spelling:  Plural Words: add -s, add -es, change the y to i and add -es

Grammar Focus:

Contractions with not

Using Apostrophes


Linking Verbs

Using Commas

Content Words

Context Clues

Sequencing Events

Past/Present/Future Tense Verbs

Capitalizing Book Titles

Figurative Language: Idioms, Similes, personification, metaphors, hyperboles



Name Titles

Verb Tenses and Subject/Verb Agreement

Adding -y to change the meaning: rock to rocky

Quotation Marks

Colons in the time



Open Syllables

Possessive Nouns

Closed Syllables

Collective Nouns: class, team, family

Irregular Plural Nouns: tooth/teeth, mouse/mice, deer, moose, woman/women, life/lives


Prefixes un/re/dis

Plural Nouns, adding -s or -es AND changing the y to i

Common Nouns/Proper Nouns

Concrete Nouns/Abstract Nouns

Word Meanings, including multiple meanings

Math Topic 8: Using Strategies and Properties to Add and Subtract

We are realizing that the properties for (x) are similar or the same as for (+): The Associative Property, The Commutative Property, and The Identity Property.


This is great math fact fluency practice at home! Let me know if your child earns a certificate!!

Khan Academy

Feel free to do this at home! Here is the link for the ELA practice:



Social Studies: The EArizona State: Cattle, Copper,


Other San Tan News…

Yearbooks for Sale!


From our Family Engagement Committee (FEC)

Please join our school’s Family Engagement Committee’s (FEC) Facebook page. Here you will find school wide events that are coming up and ways to volunteer at school.


Thank you again,

Jenn Jacobs and Heather Warren

The Family Engagement Committee (FEC)

San Tan Charter School



From the Principal (Emailed Tuesday)

Dear San Tan Families,


Over the past year, between Power Campus leadership and Recker Campus leadership, we have been seeking our Cognia reaccreditation. Our Cognia, formerly known as AdvancED, accreditation is an international recognized “gold stamp” that the way we educate our students, to use their words, is “revolutionary”. In the background this year, have been many sessions in which staff and leadership have analyzed data points, including the assessments we sent to you all, highlighting the remarkable things that we do as an organization and to creates plans of action to propel us to refine in the coming years.


I am thrilled and could not be prouder to tell you that today, we received our official reaccreditation notification.


I just want to take the time to thank staff and all of our families for supporting the mission, vision and values of San Tan, we are doing remarkable things for our students.


Have a wonderful week!


– Mrs. Sarah Laramie


Month at a Glance 

  • Science Fair 2/2
  • Learning Celebration 2/3
  • Friendship Grams 2/6-2/10
  • Regional Spelling Bee 2/15
  • Honk Performances 2/16-2/18
  • School is Closed- 2/20
  • Gifted Testing 2/20-3/3

Important Announcements

Learning Celebration 

Learning Celebration is a time-honored tradition that we have at San Tan where families are invited into each student’s classroom to celebrate all the hard work and learning the students have done. We will run Learning Celebration from 1:00-3:30 (11:30-12:00 for half day Kinder) on Friday February 3rd.

Science Fair Volunteer Helper Request

We are in need of about 60+ volunteers to help judge our 200+ science fair projects and to ensure our children have a positive, scientific experience. : -)


Judging will take place on February 1st, from 4 to 5pm.  The fair will open to the public at 5pm.  Awards will be given on Friday the 4th at the STEM Festival.


Volunteer here – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe9dlosMnk7uj-a_BWW6tOZO4kRv6B88L4f8PQaeYHLrD3haQ/viewform


Thank you so much for your time!  We couldn’t do this without you!  : -)


March Conference Food Donation Request

Let’s thank our STCS staff during their Parent/Teacher Conference Night on Thursday March 9th!!

If you are able to donate, please drop off all non-perishable items on or before Wednesday, March 8th.  Perishable items can be dropped off after school until 4:00 on March 9th.

Thank you for your help!




Tax Credit 

This year’s tax credit giving goal is $100,000.00.

Your gift — large or small — will make a difference.


The form link is now open at:


With your support, we can continue to provide the programs outlined below;

  • Junior High and High School Culinary Arts: Restaurant quality cutlery, pots/pans, additional shelving, and supplies for the classroom
  • Full-Day Kindergarten Scholarship
  • Funding for the Library/Media Space
  • Health Care Supplies
  • Playground Equipment

Reenrollment is LIVE

This year, we have gone to completely ONLINE registration!  No more paper packets!!  While the phone app is convenient for most things – we recommend using a computer to complete re-enrollment.  We highly recommend getting your application finished as soon as possible as we prioritize current families and we already have a substantial pool of new students wanting to enroll.

Please Log into your Parent Portal. Go to “More” and then “Online Registration.”

  1. Confirm existing students’ information
  2. Add any new siblings




If you are adding a sibling this year you will want to have some documents ready as you will be required to upload them before you are able to move forward in the application.

·     Birth Certificate

·     Proof of Residency

·     Immunization Records (exemption form available in application)

·     IEP/504/Gifted Score Documents (if applicable)


If you have questions or need assistance with re-enrollment and/or the parent portal please feel free to reach out to Christine Gray, cgray@santancs.com, or Sydney Burdeno at sburdeno@santancs.com.

New York Trip Information


We still have a few spots remaining for our New York City trip! This trip is open for students grades 5-12 (and chaperone adults!)


Earliest Departure Date: May 28th


Latest Return Date: June 4th


The deadline to enroll is coming up quickly. Make sure your student doesn’t miss this once in a lifetime experience that will include two Broadway shows, a meet and great and improv workshop with an industry professional, walking tours of New York and more!!


www.efexploreamerica.com/2543243vfHelpful Links

Order Lunch 

Arizona Tax Credit Form Social Media Links  Facebook- San Tan Charter School Family Connection Facebook-PreK-6 Recker Campus Facebook-7-12 Power Campus Facebook- Mrs. Laramie Principal Recker Campus Instagram- Mrs. Laramie Principal Recker Campus Instagram-STCS Recker Campus